Trying to contact us?Permalink

As eReefs is a long-term research collaboration, there are several different points of contact depending on which information you are looking for:

eReefs Community ForumPermalink

If you are a researcher working with eReefs data sources and tools, we invite you to join the eReefs Community Forum.

Announcements about new eReefs platform tools and features are made there, and it’s a great space to ask for help or advice from other community members as well as from the eReefs research teams.

Contact the eReefs ResearchersPermalink

Contact the CSIRO eReefs Research Team:Permalink

If you have a question about CSIRO’s eReefs Research, you can use the contact form on the CSIRO eReefs Research website to get in touch with members of the CSIRO eReefs research team.

Contact the AIMS eReefs Research Team:Permalink

If you have a question about eReefs Research produced by the team at the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), please contact the AIMS eReefs team at e‑

Report a problem with an eReefs websitePermalink

If you believe that you have discovered a security or privacy vulnerability with an eReefs website, please use the CSIRO eReefs contact form to report it directly to the CSIRO eReefs team.

For any other feedback that you would like the site maintainers to be aware of, you are welcome to raise an issue on our GitHub repository. The website maintainers monitor that issue tracker, and will respond as soon as possible.